Reply To: HPV Vaccinations

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European Medicines Agency statistics show that up to February 2017, nearly 12000 reactions to Gardasil, offered as the HPV vaccine since 2012, have been recorded across the continent.

If you do a search on What Doctors Don’t Tell You, putting “wddty HPV” in the search engine, there are a stream of articles talking about this subject.

For example, there is an article about Lotte Emit, who at 15 suffered from a serious reaction to the HPV vaccine.

There is also a special report which is very informative. Just type “wddty making trouble” into your browser.

Another example is: The Daily Mail had an article about Mia Blesky who was left paralysed at the age of 12 after suffering a reaction to the HPV vaccine. (Daily Mail, 28th March, 2017).

The UK Association for HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters represents the families that want more research into Gardasil.