RSE Unmasked

Have you ever wondered what your children are actually learning in RSE classes, and why there’s such a fuss? And have you ever thought, ‘if the school’s teaching it, it’s got to be okay – these people who say we should be worried are mad!’?

For your assistance, VfJUK is in process of compiling a list of resources, with links included, to materials recommended by the DfE, and currently widely used in schools. They’re an eye-opener!

‘Can lists make your sex life better?’ ‘A handbook on porn’ ‘Anal sex’

This goes way beyond ‘the birds and bees’! More resources will be added over the coming days to cover other vital areas e.g. abortion, gender diversity, non-binary relations etc, etc. So please check back regularly here:

Under the RSHE Regulations, parents have the right to know what resources their child’s school is using, or going to use, in delivery of the new curriculum. Stand on that right, and ask the school to give specific assurance that they will not encourage children to experiment with risky behaviours, or use materials promoting practices medically established as causing harm, such as anal sex, rimming, and felching (all referenced in materials currently in use).

Under Equality law religion is equally a protected characteristic, alongside such things as sex, sexual orientation, and gender reassignment. But this is about so much more than that –
this is about protecting the nation’s young from harm.

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