Campaigns, Focus

Ask Questions @ #GE2019

Ask Questions @ #GE2019

Suggested questions to ask Parliamentary candidates

1. It is essential that schools consult with parents in a robust way and that schools shape their RSE policy having taken parental concerns on board. All too often consultation is simply a cosmetic exercise. Will you intervene to ensure that schools in your constituency are taking their duty to consult seriously?

2. Would you support full restoration of the right of parents to withdraw their children from sex education they deem inappropriate or in conflict with their faith?

3. Given the word “Consultation” has been made subject to wide interpretation, will you guarantee to provide support to ensure parents in your constituency have their views both respected and taken into account by schools, as required under the RSE Regulations?

4. Where parents feel schools are not respecting their right to have their children educated in a way which accords with their faith and philosophy, recognised under the Human Rights Act 1998, will you guarantee to provide these parents with your support and uphold their human rights?

5. Given that much Relationships Education necessarily incorporates teaching about sex, will you guarantee to support parents seeking to withdraw their children from Relationships Education deemed to be inappropriate because of inevitable reference to matters of a sexual nature?

6. There is currently a huge amount of concern about the way children suffering from gender dysphoria are being given medical treatments when they are too young to understand the implications of these treatments and when the medical knowledge about their long term consequences is inadequate.  Given, therefore, the well-documented negative impact on child health and wellbeing of the promotion of gender fluidity and early medical intervention, would you:

  • ask Parliament to launch a full scale enquiry into the consequences of all medical treatment, including the prescription of puberty blockers, for gender dysphoria.
  • ask Parliament to prevent the teaching of transgender ideology in schools until full investigation has been carried out of the link between rising levels of requests for gender reassignment and the teaching of transgender ideology.

7. Some of the sex education materials going into schools have been horrific (see, for example, Respect Yourself put out by Warwickshire County Council). Would you support the setting up of a parent-led ombudsman to vet all RSE materials before they are sold to schools?

ParentPower Team

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