Reply To: HPV Vaccinations

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Thought this Sky “report” was interesting:

I think the general gist is supposed to be that the HPV vaccination is good news for women, because they will receive fewer cervical screenings. It’s certainly good for the NHS.

Some observations I would note about the article:
• Asserting “nearly all” cervical cancers are caused by HPV (and HPV is sexually transmitted), implies cervical cancer is equivalent to an STI, with all the associated social ramifications
• Where cervical cancer is not caused by HPV – too bad – the new test to be introduced in 2019 will only check for abnormal cells if the virus is found
• Girls aged 10 – 13 have been offered the HPV vaccination since 2008. I understand the vaccination is effective for 10 years, yet what seems to be proposed is to reduce the scans of vaccinated women to ages 30, 40 and 55. Not quite sure about the maths there, unless they’re proposing further vaccinations…

The main point to note, however, is that this is article is symptomatic of an attempt to validate this vaccination in such a way as to make it increasingly difficult for parents to decline it.