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Children at risk from porn

Children at risk from porn

TV Doctor wants 12 year olds shown hardcore pornography in class

Dr Christian Jessen, popular presenter of C4’s Embarrassing Bodies, is promoting hardcore pornography in school lessons for children as young as 12. In a recent newspaper interview the 41 year old claims it would be “very helpful” to “make kids cringe and squirm” by getting them to watch a video, for instance, of “a man being fairly aggressive to a woman in porn”. Dr Jessen dismisses parents saying: “Parents would be in outcry, but so what?”

Dr Tom Rogers of Safe at School commented: “Exposing children to pornography can only harm and never help them. For a start, it is highly addictive. Scientific evidence shows that repeated viewing literally rewires the brain, negatively effecting both emotional well-being and behaviour, and the damage can be even more severe for developing adolescents. Parents will justifiably find his proposals horrifying and extreme, but they are actually not too far removed from the ‘non- judgemental’ way many schools already present the issue. For instance, the ‘Planet Porn’ card game is already available for teachers to ‘help’ pupils decide whether images come from ‘planet porn’ or the ‘real world’. Parents need to be aware of what the sex ed lobby’s idea of ‘staying safe online’ really means. And it is an agenda we must fight head on”.

Dr Tom Rogers
SPUC Safe at School

Article first appeared in Safe at School News, Summer 2018

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